MEI Research, Ltd
Technology for Health Research
PiLR Health
PiLR Health System manages multifactorial and multicenter studies with mobile software, body worn sensors, automated analyses and WYSIWYG configuration.
Metabolic Laboratories
Construction, renovation, calibration and support of respiration calorimeters.
Custom Development
Brainstorming, grant writing, requirements definition, mobile app development.

MEI Research has applied an understanding of health and behavior science to provide technology solutions for basic and clinical investigations since 2008. We are engineers who create software, sensors and algorithms for free-living environments, including ecological momentary assessments and intervention (EMA/EMI), energy expenditure and dietary intake, all within related social / environment context. MEI also designs, builds and renovates whole-body respiration calorimeters to measure minute by minute energy expended and substrate utilization. MEI supports entire research projects with study automation, data management and technical support services.
Our approach is to recognize coming technologies and prepare them to be applied by researchers through direct grant funding. We present analyses of these technologies in publications and at international conferences. Please contact us when you are planning a project or preparing grant application for assistance defining and describing appropriate technologies, cost and time estimates and narrative content.